Anytime Update, August 2024


I’m Jason Morley, the developer behind Anytime.

On June 1st 2024, the Anytime owner and data controller changed from InSeven Limited (a company registered in England and Wales of which I am the sole director), to me personally, a British individual residing in the US.

If you do not wish for your account and data to remain on the Anytime service as a result of this transition or for any other reason, please delete your account or send me an email to let me know.

Existing users with valid email addresses associated with their account should have received details of these changes by email on May 6, 2024.


Functionally, there’s no change to how or where Anytime and your data is hosted. Geographically, Anytime data has always been located in the US and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

The privacy policy has been updated to reflect the ownership change and provide details of how and why your information is stored. It also further limits how that information will be used.

As part of the move, there are new Anytime iOS and macOS apps on my personal App Store account (including a brand new native macOS app). Unfortunately Apple puts restrictions on transferring apps between App Store accounts, meaning you will have to manually install these new apps.


There have been many exciting life changes lately and, in 2023, I moved permanently to the US meaning it no longer makes sense to keep a British company. My hope is that removing the administrative overheads of maintaining a now-foreign company and consolidating all my software in one legal entity and App Store account will free me up to work on new projects.


Thank you for using Anytime and continuing to trust it (and me) with your important connections. Anytime is a service that means a lot to me, and it’s great to be able to share it with you.

Jason Morley

August 21, 2024